About The Cancer Box
We have alot to say about our vision and mission here at the Cancer Box, but perhaps it is best summed up in the video below. Scroll on past to learn even more about our founders and why we're doing this!
Rachel and
Jamison Dye
Rachel's journey through Stage IV Colon cancer is what inspired The Cancer Box into existence. Read more below to learn about their story!
Small-Tech IT
Robert and Katelyn Cunningham, through their company Small-Tech IT Services, have supported and helped shape the vision of The Cancer Box since the very beginning. Their wisdom, advice, and leadership continue to influence our future!
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"We developed The Cancer Box out of our desire to share what we learned through our cancer journey with others who are fighting through a cancer diagnosis. We want to empower those in our situation to make the two letter mindset shift from victim to victor. " -Jamison & Rachel Dye
On August 2nd, 2018, Rachel Dye went for a five mile run like she normally did, around a lake near her home in Southwest Washington. Two days later, she was rushed into emergency surgery and had a golf-ball sized tumor removed from her colon. A few days after that, she was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer. Her and her husband were told that she may only have 6 months to a year to live if they did not act quickly with aggressive treatment.
This felt like a death sentence. In fact, the first few doctors they met with acted like this was a death sentence too! Rachel was a 27-year-old wife, mother of 3 young children and that answer wasn't good enough for her.
"My husband, Jamison, took off work for nearly two months and put on his "researcher" hat. What we found during that time was a disconnect between the way cancer is viewed in the world today, and what the reality really is. With what we learned in our back pocket, we built a team of oncologists, naturopathic doctors, and advisors to walk with us through treating my cancer. Today I can say I have been cancer-free for over a year! "
Now, it's their turn to give back.
They developed The Cancer Box out of their desire to share what they learned with others who are fighting through a cancer diagnosis.
The Cancer Box is a monthly subscription box for those that see the need to actively fight their cancer or who want to do everything they can do keep it gone. They have sourced the highest quality set of vitamins and supplements as the core of our box for less than it would cost to buy on your own. Each of these have a proven track record in clinical studies to aid in the fight against cancer. They provide detailed instructions and explanations for each, because it is so important that YOU buy into why you are doing this. They pack each box with carefully curated items that can range between snacks, desserts, side-effect aids, notebooks, swag, healthy eating guides, and more.